Depression Treatment Near Me, Tampa FL
Understanding TMS Therapy
With TMS therapy, the brain’s emotional centers are stimulated. While ECT does not cause memory loss or other harmful side effects, TMS therapy for depression does. This therapy does not cause memory loss or other harmful side effects.
TMS Therapy for Depression is Available
Patients with depression receive TMS therapy while sitting in a chair and wearing a helmet. Magnetic fields are delivered painlessly through an electromagnetic coil to awaken brain cells that may be dormant due to major depression. Because TMS treatment for depression does not require sedation or general anesthesia, patients remain fully conscious during the procedure.
Benefits of TMS Therapy for Depression Treatment
- TMS Therapy does not require medication
- TMS Therapy can fix hard-to-treat depression
- TMS Therapy does not require sedation or general anesthesia
- TMS Therapy is a simple FDA-approved procedure
Alternate Depression Treatment Near Me
Are you interested in depression treatment therapy? Contact our office today to make your appointment, and discuss your treatment options. Help is just a phone call away.